GAP Men’s Team Match Information
The golf season is fast-approaching and the men’s team matches conducted by the Golf Association of Philadelphia (GAP) will be here before you know it. The matches will be held this year on April 18, 25 and May 2. Information about GAP and the team matches can be found below. Following play at both home and away matches, hors d’oeuvres or lunch may be available for members and their opponents, pending state Covid dining restrictions. It is up to each club to determine the availability and safety precautions in place for post-golf dining, given the regulatory guidelines set for each location.
Wilmington Country Club will have three teams competing in GAP matches this year. Team 1 will compete in the A Division with a yardage similar to the blue tees. Teams 2 and 3 will compete in the D Division with a yardage similar to the white tees. Coordination of our Club’s participation will be done through your captains; Jeff Ciconte for Team 1, Don MacKelcan for Team 2, and Randy Taylor for Team 3. Please direct any questions to them via the Golf Shop at (302) 655-6022.
Our first team will be competing against Scranton, Indian Valley and RiverCrest. The second team will be competing against McCall, Talamore and Hershey’s Mill. Our third team will be competing against Aronimink, Applecross and French Creek.
To participate in the matches, you must have an active Wilmington CC handicap as of April 1. The captains will field teams they believe will be the most competitive, regardless of handicaps. As such, members’ records in previous GAP matches will be taken into account in determining teams. Teams will be based on course handicaps, with the lowest handicaps going to Team 1. These range of handicaps on each team may change depending on the level of interest, availability of players, etc.
Each week, we will need 12 players for each team. Six players will play at home and six players will play at our opponent’s course. Pace of play at WCC will be strictly monitored and enforced by the Golf Shop to assure the matches remain enjoyable and our members are inconvenienced as little as possible.
If you are willing to play in one or more match, please use the link below to indicate which dates you are available, and whether you have a preference for playing at home (WCC) or away. Remember that when playing in a GAP match, you will be representing all members of WCC. Gentlemanly and hospitable conduct is required. In addition, since we will not be able to accommodate all members who wish to play, if you indicate your availability and are selected to play, WCC will rely on your participation. In the event that you fail to play when scheduled, and have not arranged with the Golf Shop for a substitute, your absence will reflect poorly on WCC and your team. In addition, there will be a ban from further GAP participation for a period of at least two years if you agree to play, but do not. Accordingly, should you indicate that you are available to play any of the GAP matches, please reserve those dates on your calendar.
Thank you for your anticipated interest. We strongly encourage you to indicate your availability by March 31st, even if you are able only to participate in one match.
Jeff Ciconte and Shawn Randall
Jeff Ciconte and Shawn Randall