This past Monday and Tuesday we completed our Spring aerification practices on the South Course. Everything went well and we were able to accomplish everything as planned. On greens, we completed the Dryject process and aerified using 3/8 inch tines. These tines are significantly smaller than the 5/8 inch tines that were used last year. With some warmer weather and fertilizer the greens should heal quickly.
Fairways recieved the usual solid tine aerification and topdressing. Sand has been worked into the canopy using both brushes and grooming, which is a less aggressive verticutting process. The remaining sand on the surface should be incorporated into the turf canopy with the rain that is in the forecast for the beginning of the week.
The major change we made to our program this year is the use of the sand injection graden on tees and approaches. First, these areas were solid tined and then followed with the gradens. These machines perform a very aggressive verticut and inject sand where thatch has been removed.