Since mother nature prevented us from completing our planned sand channel drainage last winter, we have started early this year in order to make up for lost time. Last year we purchased a new trencher that was advertised to increase productivity. So far it has not disappointed. In what would have taken between 5 or 6 days with our old trencher was completed in less than 3 with the new one. We have attached a video of our staff working on number 2 South fairway that demonstrates how this machine works.
If you are new to the blog and not familiar with the sand channel drainage process, please see our blog post from February of 2012, Sand Channel Drainage at 1 South Fairway. This demonstrates the process we use to correct slow to drain areas.
[wpvideo nrkj127O]The noise you hear in the beginning of the video is the machine breaking up a rock. The major benefit of this machine is that it eliminates the cleanup process by scraping the trench clean and loading the soil directly into the pro-gator.
This second video demonstrates the results of the process. You can see the smaller pipe is depositing a large amount of water into the catch basin.
[wpvideo mHuYWjZ4]