On Wednesday, February 5th, we had a significant ice storm. The severe damage that has been sustained to many trees is apparent to anyone that has visited the club recently. Most of the trees that lost limbs are white pines, but we did have some damage to a few hard wood trees. We have started the cleanup process and will continue to get around the golf courses as the weather allows. Below are some pictures of the tree damage.
- These are the pine trees to the left of 7 South tee. The ice was too much for the branches to support.
- Here are the pine trees along the right side of the driving range. This is a common site around most of the pine trees on both golf courses.
- Both young and old trees were effected by the ice. This is an older White Pine that is located next to the fairway bunker on 2 North.
- Here is a young pine that is located next to the black tee at 7 South. The side of the tree that faces 12 South lost several limbs.
- The employee apartments to the right of 1 North tee had a few limbs fall on the roof during the storm. Fortunately no one was hurt.
- Most of the trees effected are pine trees, however here is one of the few examples of damage to a hard wood. This is the large Beech tree in the tennis parking lot. The ice has caused the branches to hang much lower than usual and even added enough weight to break two large limbs.
- This White Pine between 9 South and 18 North lost a number of limbs. Here is the view looking from 18 North fairway.