It’s hard to imagine six months of the year is in the books. Even though some of the Delaware beach bars and restaurants have voluntarily closed due to an uptick in corona virus cases, for us here in the northern part of the state, glimpses of normalcy can be seen across the Club. Weekly events have returned, and our first tournaments of the year will take place over the Fourth of July weekend in tennis and golf.
In the department, we have been fortunate to have several employees return from seasonal furloughs and the difference in care of all areas outside of the clubhouse is noticeable. The rough has slowed it’s vigorous spring growth to allow our mowers to maintain heights of cut in a manner we hope that is not penal for recovery shots. More attention to detail oriented tasks such as divot filling and watering areas such as fairways with hand-held hoses will increase over the coming weeks. String trimming of ponds and tree trunks will occur on a regular basis. Lastly, sprinklers will be edged to increase visibility of the yardages to the center of the green.
The weather for the last two months has had a positive effect on rounds played and tennis courts bookings. The flip side to this statement is we are down seven inches of rain accumulation for the same time period of May and June, 2019. We have experienced many days with sustained or very gusty wind conditions that attributed to high evapotranspiration rates. For example, a rain event this past month could total a ½ inch one day, but blustery conditions the next day would virtual dry out areas throughout the property, shortening the window of opportunity to not run the irrigation system. This scenario played out numerous times over the past two months as if one would hit repeat on the stereo system to listen to their favorite song over and over again. A sign of this and our increased use of the irrigation system during these dry times is the capacity of the lower reservoir to the left of 12 North. We could use a little help from Mother Nature to get to September when we are bound to have a few tropical fronts come through the Delaware Valley.
As the golf schedule returns to normal, so does the Practice Tee schedule. The main tee will be on turf Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday through Sunday. We will use mats on Mondays and Thursdays each week. When the main tee is on mats, the turf at the rear tee will be available for use. It is vital for the season-long success of the teeing ground to incorporate the straight-line divot pattern while you are practicing. The same methodology should be used as well at the short game area and wedge range on Old 7. The straight-line pattern will heal faster as the void is narrower than taking divots either in patches or a square box. The darker green colored turf in regenerative growth in a divot, as seen in the picture with the red arrow.
Last year, we informed you of the invasive Spotted Lanternfly that has become prevalent in our area. Nymphs are on the move, and can be seen on the underside of leaves and branches. Although the Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima, is the preferred host, the Spotted Lanternfly will venture to other plant material. Now is the time to apply a post-emergent insecticidal application to help thwart the spread of this bug!
We hope you, your families remain safe throughout July and we will see you at the Club!