2017 Holiday Events & Happenings
Holiday Events
& Happenings
Welcome to the 2017 Holiday Season at Wilmington Country Club. We are excited to bring to you a variety of events and happenings that will put you in a festive mood. We look forward to seeing you throughout the holiday season!
Holiday BookletThe Pantry
Gift Baskets
Gift baskets are always a popular choice during the holiday season. Perfect for friends, family, or even as a hostess gift, Wilmington Country Club and The Pantry make it easy to impress just about everyone!
Order FormSweet Treats
Holiday Take Out
All orders for dessert require 48 hour notice. Orders can be made by calling the Front Desk at (302) 655-6171.
Dessert MenuThanksgiving
Take Out
All Thanksgiving orders that include turkey or turkey breast be placed by 2:00 pm Thursday, November 16th. All other orders must be placed by Sunday, November 19th, by calling Tip Tribbitt at (302) 655-6171 ext. 2193.
Thanksgiving MenuChristmas & New
Year’s Take Out
All Christmas & New Year’s orders must be placed by Friday, December 15th. Orders for Christmas Eve and Christmas must be picked up by Saturday, December 23rd. Orders for New Year’s Day must be picked up on Sunday, December 31st.
Christmas & New Year's Menu